Single handler repositioning someone within the bed
Single handler repositioning someone within the bed

Training News, Courses and Resources

Videos of Single Carer Techniques

If you have attended one of our training courses, we will have given you a password in order to view our videos of the techniques to help you remember them.

Single Carer Handling YouTube videos 

Accora Webinar - How can we make single handed care realistic and efficient? 

On 19th November 2024 Kay James did this webinar  with case scenarios and practical techniques to show how single carer handling can be implemented and how to tackle some of the common barriers. 


This can be watched on demand just click the link below and scrooll down to past webinars.

Single Carer Handling

We have been providing exciting training for Occupational Therapists, Home Care Providers and Care Homes over the last twenty years identifying how to provide better quality care and some times reducing the number of carers required during the process. We have some fabulous products to show you during the training which will improve comfort, dignity and independence. Please let us know if you are interested in finding out more, we would be happy to discuss this with you. 


We provide this training for large organisations, small businesses and for individual's with Personal Assistants and Support Worker Teams. 


Let us know if you would like more information. 


The following research and discussion papers provide evidence to support our training:

Manual Handling, Single-Handed Care, Occupational Therapy and the law : 2020 and Beyond : A Discussion Paper by Michael Mandelstam
Commissioned by This is a useful read to understand the importance of decisions being made following a person centred risk assessment, robust clinical reasoning and a clear handling plan.
Adobe Acrobat document [728.0 KB]
Single Handed Care in a Care Home
Adobe Acrobat document [1.8 MB]
December 2023 - Intermediate Care Framework for Rehab and enablement following Hospital Discharge
NHS Guidance for Winter 2023 to ensure right sized/optimised/risk assessed care and a "home is best" approach
Adobe Acrobat document [764.1 KB]
In situ slide sheet research - the proof that they reduce pressure sore risks
Adobe Acrobat document [529.4 KB]
Research regarding single carer handling
Adobe Acrobat document [780.5 KB]
Research to help myth busting around policies and insurance issues for home care providers
Research use of hoists insurance and car[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [320.6 KB]

We can provide Occupational Therapy Assessments and Moving and Handling Training across the South East Region.



Contact us :

If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment or book some training, please contact our Director and Lead Occupational Therapist, Kay James on:





or use our contact us form.

We are all members of the Royal College of Occupational Therapists and the Health and Care Professions Council.

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© Kay James