Our team of experienced Occupational Therapists have been specially selected by our Lead Occupational Therapist to ensure that the highest level of expertise and professional service is always provided by OT4Independence.
Kay James is our lead Occupational Therapist, Kay has over thirty years clinical experience. She has extensive skills, knowledge and experience working with people of all ages with complex disability needs. She specialises in the fields of moving and handling training, prescribing assistive equipment and recommending housing adaptations. She is based in Maidstone, Kent and is therefore well positioned to travel to home assessments and provide moving and handling training within the South East area.
Jane Dolphin has thirteen years experience of working in Adult Social Care, as an Occupational Therapist (OT) and a Safeguarding Adults Coordinator. For many of those years she worked as an OT in a diverse, densely populated London Borough, as a Senior Practitioner and qualified as a Moving and Handling trainer. More recently, she has worked in a Short-Term Pathways Team and as a Safeguarding Coordinator. Currently she practices as an Independent Occupational Therapist and Moving and Handling Trainer.
Caroline Sted-Smith has 16 years of experience working as an Occupational Therapist. Initially she worked in an NHS trust in acute primary care then in Adult Social Services where she developed her skills in assessment and rehabilitation. For the past 6 years, she has worked in the private sector. She specialises in enablement and rehabilitation as well as in the provision of major adaptations and the prescription of assistive technology to increase safety, independence and wellbeing for clients of all ages. She works with patients of any age with diverse needs, including those with: brain injuries, neurological conditions, spinal injuries, orthopedic trauma, and older clients with mobility difficulties. Caroline frequently works with both formal and informal carers in both domestic and institutional settings to ensure that they are also enabled to provide the best possible care helping them gain the skills and knowledge to use aids and adaptations to protect themselves from injury or unnecessary strain. She is also a Moving and Handling Trainer.
Katie Lovelock qualified as an Occupational Therapist in 2009, she has worked in the community, inpatient intermediate care and with acute inpatients. During this time, she has expanded her knowledge and skills to be able to carry out a range of assessments and interventions focused on each individual; graded and adapted, as appropriate. She completed her Greenwich University Moving and Handling Trainer Qualification in 2014. She currently works part-time as a band 7 OT on a stroke unit where she provides leadership and support to her team, treats patients and helps families and carers to support patients on discharge home with hoisting, bed mobility and transfers. She provides Moving and Handling Training and an Independent Occupational Therapy Service into care homes for OT4Independence Ltd.